

Worship Ministry

O come, let us sing unto the LORD:

let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving,

and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

Psalm 95

The people of God worship, gathering each week around God’s word and Sacrament.  Worship is the most important activity of the congregation. It shapes our lives as Christian disciples.  Its purpose forms the basis of congregation’s mission statement.

Worship leadership includes many volunteers before, during, and after each service, which includes, Assisting Ministers, Alter Guild, Bread Families, Lectors and Ushers.  Every member is called to be an active member through worship, and there are also specific opportunities to serve the congregation, according to the gifts God has given them.

Worship Committee members collaborate with Church Council, the Music Director, and the Pastor to provide worship services for the congregation.  A Church Council member serves as liaison and provides leadership as needed.

Youth and Education Ministry

"I have no greater joy than to hear that

my children are walking in the truth

John 1:4

Mission: To set examples, teach and lead, following the truth for our congregation and to help educate for our church community with emphasis on our youth and beyond.


This mission is achieved through Church, Sunday school and other education services. We reach out to serve in seeking activities that create the opportunity to fellowship with one another and practice our Christian gifts. Our goal is to learn how to walk on the path that our Lord has shown us and to do that we see education as an ongoing project that we strive to improve every step of the way.



Evangelism / Membership Development Ministry


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing

them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Matthew 28:19


First Lutheran’s Evangelism Committee is a group of committed members who believe strongly in the idea that our church is: Empowered by the Holy Spirit for Worship, Reaching Out, Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Serving. In the past two years this committee has been instrumental in leading the congregation in Strategic Planning to foster the beginnings of new and vibrant ministries to encourage new life in both our congregation and to serve our neighbors in our community.


First and Friends Book Club


Our new book club is one of the newest ministries and is already demonstrating its popularity with our members and friends. It is a general interest, non-theological book club designed to generate lively and fun discussions about books. Both fiction and non-fiction books are included. Members of First are encouraged to bring their friends and neighbors; that’s how the name of the club came about – “First and Friends.” We meet once a month, the last Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We’ve only been meeting since the last Tuesday in August but this group has generated a tremendous amount of interest already! Even though our focus is non-theological, one of the purposes of this group is to demonstrate to visitors that our members are friendly and that newcomers to our church are always welcome.


Lutheran Men in Mission

This is a new group hoping to foster stronger fellowship experiences among the men in the congregation. Various types of events are being planned for the coming year. Some of these may include guest speakers, informal Bible study, and service projects. Meeting times will vary. Watch the church bulletin and newsletter for upcoming events. We’re hoping for an exciting 2015 for the men of First Lutheran!



Congregational Care Ministry


“A new commandment I give you.  You must love one another,

just as I have loved you.  If you love on another,

everyone will know you are my disciples.” 

John 13: 34-35

Loving our brothers and sisters among us by showing Christian concern is a wonderful witness to our loving Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.  The responsibility of this ministry is to: Noticing members absence from worship and responding with ears to hear concerns and to remind them they are truly missed, cared, and prayed for. Greeting cards mailed on special occasions to the shut-ins as a friendly reminder that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Funeral meals provided for members if the family wishes to have one.


Audio tapes of worship services, hand delivered weekly to shut-ins by caring members if requested.  Sound Technicians operate the sound system and provide tapes for the tape ministry.  These volunteers must be knowledgeable about the equipment, the liturgy, and the vocal qualities of speakers and singers.  Periodic training and lots of practice are requirements.

Arrange for in-home communion for homebound members.  Home communion visitors reach out to homebound members with the presence of Christ, taking communion to those members limited in their ability to come to church.  These volunteers alternate with the Pastor in providing this ministry.  The Altar Guild prepares the home communion kits and places them on the altar for blessing during the congregations celebration.

Each project offers an opportunity to meet the needs of our church among us with members providing their most precious time.


Property Ministry

“...and they hired masons and carpenters to restore the house of the Lord,

and also workers in iron and bronze to repair the house of the Lord.”

2 Chronicles 24:12

The care and upkeep of the church building and property is being accomplished by dependable and talented volunteers who need your help.  Can you do cement work, painting, cleaning, lawn care, or snow removal?  Do you have special talents for gardening, carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work?  If so, we need your Help.

While a part-time custodian provides basic weekly cleaning of the worship areas, we must also conduct several work days each year where we gather as a family to work on the inside and outside of our church.  Let’s spread the work around.  You will enjoy the fellowship and be rewarded by the feeling of accomplishment when you see a fresh new face on God’s house.



The Caring Place, every Thursday night offers a free meal to anyone who comes. We are always in need of volunteer help and contributions. First Lutheran hosts this service, which is supported by many other churches and individuals in Greene County & Xenia.

Please call the church office, 937-372-7421, if you or your congregation would like to participate in this ministry.