First Visit

Welcome to

First Evangelical Lutheran Church

Xenia, Ohio

At First Lutheran, our arms are open to all God’s children. When you enter the church for the first time, you’ll find a warm and welcoming congregation. We are constantly seeking to live out God’s purpose for us, as stated in our purpose statement:


“Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we worship, reach out, share the Gospel and serve.”


If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider a visit to First Lutheran. Below you’ll find answers to some common questions people often have before they visit a church for the first time. We hope you’ll decide to visit soon!


How would you describe your

worship service?

We worship every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. Our worship service is liturgical, from the word “liturgy” which is from the Greek, and means, “a rite or body of rites.” The liturgy allows all of the people to actively participate in the worship service. Every word of every part of the liturgy comes from scripture. Ours is a sung service. Together we sing all parts of the liturgy. The music is joyous, uplifting and beautiful. During the service we read a selection from the Old Testament, Psalms, the New Testament, and the four Gospels. We sing several hymns during the service - both traditional and contemporary. From September through May our chancel choir leads the congregation and sings  special music nearly every Sunday. The entire service, except for the hymns, is printed in the bulletin, which makes the service easy to follow.


When do you celebrate

Holy Communion?

We celebrate Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. We practice open Communion. All baptized persons are welcome and invited to come forward and commune.


Are my children welcome at the

worship service?

Yes, of course. They are welcome in all aspects of the life of our congregation, especially during worship. If your little ones get tired of sitting and need to move around, there is a hallway at the rear of the sanctuary where the service can be seen and heard. We also have a newly refurbished nursery in which the worship service can be heard through a speaker.


Is there Sunday school?

There is Sunday school from mid-September through May for both children and adults. The children meet in the Sunday school room in the basement from 9:30 -10:15. They then come upstairs for Communion. Adults meet for Sunday school after the service at 11:00 a.m. in the large conference room.


Is there programming for the youth?

Yes! The youth participate in fun activities and service projects regularly. Junior high-aged youth participate in a 2-year confirmation program, at the end of which they are confirmed.


Will I be expected to give money?

While we do pass offering plates down the pews, as a first-time visitor we do not expect you to offer money, unless you feel led to do so.

May I have full directions to the church?

Click for Directions

Ample parking is provided in the rear of the building, and the lot is accessed via the entrance on Cincinnati Ave. Entrance to the building is through the big red double doors facing the parking lot.


Is the church building easily accessible?

It is very accessible! There is handicapped accessible parking. The church entrance is through double doors on the same level as the parking lot. There is a handicapped accessible restroom off of the narthex (the big front room where we enter the building). There are four other restrooms - 2 upstairs and 2 in the basement. There is a modern elevator in the office wing for easy accessibility to and from the basement. Both the fellowship hall and kitchen are in the basement.


What should I wear to church?  

Whatever you’re comfortable wearing. Some people wear jeans, some wear suits, and others just slacks and shirts or blouses. The important thing is your presence with us as we worship God through Jesus Christ - not your appearance. 


How can I meet people?

There is a fellowship time on Sundays after the worship service in the narthex (the front entrance room), where refreshments are served. We also have congregational meals, senior luncheon, Bible study, a book club, church choir, women’s ministry and other fellowship opportunities where you can connect with people. There are lots of ways to connect!


For answers to any other questions, please feel free to contact the

church office at 937-372-7421.